Talking about Dallin and his new athletic cup and boys and their fascination with body parts reminded me of....
"Wenis Man"!!That's what Garrett called himself when he discovered the flap in the front of his undies. He flipped out his penis and ran around the house yelling; "Look mom, I'm Wenis Man!"
He made up the word himself. It must be a combination of Weenie and Penis....
**EDIT** My sister reminded me that for quite a while Garrett would ask people "Wanna' see my Wenis?" and when they would politely decline his follow up questions was always "Why not?". I think my brother in law, Kelly is still laughing about that one...
We laughed about it for days! We still do on occasion...
Okay, so the kid was preoccupied with body parts. Another funny story involving him and body parts was when we were visiting my sister Jennifer in Salt Lake City. My cousin Steve and his wife Marci and their kids were over playing and Marci needed to change Jackson's diaper. She went out on the back porch where the kids were playing and Garrett came over to watch.
He watched with a very serious face and then exclaimed, "My dad's penis is bigger than his penis. My dad's penis is bigger than all your penises!"
It still makes me laugh to think of that story and Marci trying to re-tell it while laughing uncontrollably!
Oh, that kid could make me laugh! He still does on occasion...