Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We are LOVED

There aren't enough words to say how grateful we are for our Ward Family. During the last few months we have been the recipients of countless acts of kindness. I honestly don't think there has been a day when we haven't had someone leave a kind message or do a kind act of service for us. It makes some really hard days bearable.

There are those who have helped us physically by caring for our home and ourselves (like mowing our lawn, fixing our sprinklers, bringing us food, taking out our trash...)when we couldn't really think of doing that ourselves. Others cared for our children when we weren't in the right mind to do that either. Many cared for our spirits as they brought books and words and stories of comfort. We have felt the prayers of many as we've found the strength to get out of bed and live. We've had monetary gifts that have humbled us and been such a blessing, and arms to hold us up when we couldn't stand on our own any longer.

Some small things that were (and still are) especially helpful:
Knowing looks and a big hug
Specific questions about how we are feeling-just asking “How are you doing?” is difficult to answer
Patience with our wildly fluctuating emotions
Remembering Garrett with us by sharing stories about him

There are so many, many people we feel a deep gratitude towards. We are at a loss to know how to repay such kindness and love. Reading one of the books that was given to us titled The Gateway We Call Death by Russell M. Nelson he explains that one of the reasons we experience pain and loss is so that we can be empathetic to those around us and use our newfound sensitivity to serve and support others. In essence we learn to “pay it forward” and pass along the service we have been shown by serving others.

We have taken that to heart and pray we are sensitive to those around us and serve unselfishly as we have been served.

Thank you, Ward Family, we love you and feel your love.


Unknown said...

Thank you for that sweet letter. They read it in RS on Sunday and there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Leslie said...

Thanks for the comments on what is helpful. Sometimes it's hard to know. We love you so much and don't always know how to show it.