Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today is Garrett's birthday. He would have been 5 years old today. We had a bit of a 'party' last night. It felt like it should have been his birthday party. He would have loved it!

Dallin and I have been looking through photo albums this morning and we found the story of when he was born. Dallin had never read it and we had a good time talking about Garrett this morning. I don't have any digital pictures of Medim-G when he was born. I'll have to scan a few and post them when I get the chance.

August 2000:

It seems, Garrett, you are already following in the footsteps of your older brother. That's okay-he will be a good example to you, but don't you think you are taking this a little too far?

Dallin was born two weeks early, so naturally I thought babies should be born during their 38th week. So when we got to that week I was ready for you to be born. You room was ready, complete with painted walls, a mobile, changing table, diapers, clothes and toys. One night I was awakened by contractions and was ready to rush off to the hospital, but I fell back to sleep-you weren't ready to come. Ironically I hadn't packed a bag for the hospital. I thought of it as a kind of jinx. If I packed a bag, you would be two weeks late! August 2st I had an appointment with my doctor. He said you weren't ready to come and for me to get comfortable. I was a little relieved, we had a Jones Family reunion planned for Labor Day weekend at the Flake Ranch and I wanted to go. The following week (Thursday before the reunion) I had another appointment and Dr. Tutt said it should be fine for me to go to the reunion (2 ½ hours away). Besides, he said, he was headed to the mountains as well and wouldn't be around.

Saturday morning, August 30th we picked up Adam's mom at the airport and headed to the ranch. It was a nice drive getting to visit with Linda all the way there. We got there about 2:30 pm and found a large group of Joneses. My parents came from Wyoming and all of Grandpa's children were there including Ellen who braved the terrible drive to be with everyone. We had a great day visiting. Dallin enjoyed playing with his cousins in the dirt, and he was the star of the show playing softball with all the uncles. After dinner that night we all sat around the campfire singing songs and telling stories and having a great time. It had been a long day and I was tired, so we headed to bed. We were lucky enough to be in one of the cabins and slept in a nice bed. About 1am Dallin, sleeping on the floor next to us, stirred in his sleep and I got up to comfort him then rushed to the bathroom as my water broke! Nothing could have awakened Adam faster than the words “Psst, hey, I think my water broke!” We rushed around gathering our things, packing them in the car and we headed down the mountain.

My experience having Dallin was similar. My water broke early and I didn't go into labor. “Here we go again” I thought as we drove down the mountain. It was a little comforting this time knowing what would likely happen. And in keeping with tradition you were 9 days early! YIPEEEE!

Adam drove as fast as he thought he could in the dark watching out for elk and deer along the way and I nudged him every time I had a contraction. One of my greatest fears was having to pull over and deliver a baby half way between Heber and Mesa! But, my contractions weren't getting any stronger or closer together. On the way to the hospital we stopped at our house to drop off Dallin and Linda and pack a bag. Adam even took a shower not wanting to smell like a campfire for the rest of the day. We arrived at the hospital about 4:30 am and checked in.

4:30am Arrived at the hospital, checked in and sat around waiting for my contractions to get closer together. I was attached to a fetal monitor and then given an I.V. The nurse was afraid the baby was under stress from dehydration, so she wanted to make sure I had enough fluids. So, for the second tie, I was strapped to a bed and not able to get up and walk around.

6:30 am No change in contractions, so I was given an I.V. with pitocin to speed things along.

8:30 am Things started to move along and I was feeling very uncomfortable. Luckily, I had Adam to encourage me and talk to me. He did a great job making me feel better.

10:30 am Things were moving faster (at least I thought so), but the nurse seemed unconcerned expecting this to last a while. We had explained that with Dallin things progressed quickly, but she seemed hesitant to call the doctor on call. (Dr. Tutt was out of town, but the doctor on call was Dr. McNeal. We met her earlier in the day when she was in helping deliver another baby.)

11:00 am The nurse finally called the doctor and told me and told me not to push, but to just breathe until the doctor arrived! You've got to be kidding me! Not an experience I will forget for a while.

11:25 am The doctor finally arrives, calmly says “Let's see how far along you are” then quickly changes her tune when she realizes she had better hurry up and put something over her clothing before little Garrett crashes to the floor. Two pushes and a squirming redhead was welcomed into the world.

11:30 am Garrett Wayne Russell was born weighing 7lbs 2oz. And measuring 19 ¾ in. long. We hadn't picked out the name we liked yet, and had a few we were considering, but just couldn't make the decision. Upon seeing Garrett, the nurse commented on what seemed to be very red hair and asked what we were going to name him. Adam looked at me and said “We like the name Garrett”. Horrified the nurse looked back at him and asked “Carrots?” and the name stuck. Garrett it is!

The hospital stay was uneventful. You were a good eater right from the start (once we woke you up) and have been very patient with mom, dad and older brother while we get use to having a new person in our home. You are a special little spirit, with strawberry-blond hair, a cute nose, full lips and a serene personality. We sure do love you!

Happy Birthday little Garrett-we miss you!


Leisa Tapia said...

I've been thinking of you all week, knowing that today is Garrett's day. I'm so glad that you guys got to celebrate his birthday last night. I'm sure he is so thrilled that you did that for him!
We love you guys and our prayers are still with you. Hope today is a good day, although I know it could be a hard day too. Love you Bekki, you are just amazing to me. Thanks for your example and all you do, and thank you for all you share on your blog.

Leslie said...

Once again, there really are no words. (But I'll try anyway.) I have been thinking of Garrett all week. Mostly thinking of what a character he was and how much fun we had with him. Then realizing how much we miss him and wish this earth time would hurry up already. We love you guys, and we love Garrett and miss him, too. Happy Birthday little man.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Garrett! We love you guys and are glad to hear this story. Thank you

BeeP said...

Made my I'm sure you have been all week. I think it was a great idea to talk about him with Dallin and share his story of entering the world. We love him and miss him dearly. He had (has) quite the personality! Wow! We love you guys and pray for you daily.

Unknown said...

I have been thinking of you guys all week too--knowing that his birthday was fast approaching.

How neat that you have recorded step by step his delivery. I think that is so important. I didn't do that and now I have forgotten all the little details..

We love you guys!

Happy birthday Garrett!

Houston Family said...
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Houston Family said...

I kept thinking about when he wanted to have the GARRETTOLYMPICS party. He was so excited about planning it and all the activities that he was going to be doing. He is a great kid! Good luck with your "one day at a time." We are thinking about you.

Shawn and Tasha said...

I love that you keep such a great record. You inspire me in many ways. Oh, to have strength like're amazing. Truly amazing! Thank you for sharing your precious memories. They make me cry every time I read them. And although I never had the chance to meet this sweet Garrett, I feel a great love for him. He certainly has an amazing mother. That is for sure.

BTW, Dr.McNeal delivered both of our boys too. When we moved I told her I would wait to have any more kids just to have her be my doctor or fly out to AZ for her to deliver.:) I don't think that will be the case, but I just loved her!